Monday, November 7, 2011

It's beginning to look at lot.....

Like Christmas!

I'm beginning to see signs that the Holidays are just around the corner!

I spied this beautiful swag on Mountain street last week.

And this secret window....

I can't wait to see what this window is hiding!

On the food front, I'm beginning to see some really kick ass sales on Holiday essentials....Like lean ground pork for .99 cents a pound! I bought about 12 pounds and packaged it all in one pound bags and froze them.

Now I can make meat pie (tourtiere) and meat ball stew (ragout de boulettes) and even meat stuffed salad rolls (petits pains fourrés a la viande).

Now I need to work on some cookie doughs....Ginger bread cookies, pfeffernusse, sandies.....

And I'm happy to say my shopping is well under way!

Have a great evening y'all! 


The White Pear Tree said...

Yikes, that's an excellent deal on pork! Hmmm, I make tourtières, but I haven't tried my hand at ragoût de bouletttes yet. Maybe this will be the year!

Unknown said...

Wow, you do a lot of holiday cooking!!!