Tuesday, March 31, 2015

50 cents

When I dropped off 2 boxes of goodies at Brockville's Sally Ann I found these delicious jiggers/shot glasses.

                                          They remind me of Fred Press items and they will be great in the new bar!

                                          Old drippy faucet....it took 2 hours to remove! OMG!
                                           All corroded under and screwed on way too tight!
                                           Surprise! I was the one who installed it!
                                          New non drippy faucet! LOVE!
                                          For me. drippy faucets are the same as holley socks....
                                          very poor looking....In Quebec I would say BS (bien etre social translated to wellfare) .....
                                          The cubbard doors are removed and in the basement waiting for some paint.

                                          But we do need to take a hint from the kitties....and take a nap once in a while!
                                           Take care!


Linda @ A La Carte said...

Dripping faucets drive me nuts! I want a new kitchen faucet soon. Love the shot glasses!

Cheapchick said...

The new faucet looks great - and those shot glasses are awesome. I have some caulking to do...are you available?:)