Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sometimes I feel like.....

A Manwhich of course! Well I did, but no more. I just had one. On a piece of spelt toast. It's all about the shopping in my own pantry, fridg and freezer.

I purchased said can of Manwhich last time I visited a Target store last September and I saw a shelf full of these....

I don't know what came over me but I had to buy it! It must have been the 'One full serving of vegetables' on the label. Fast, easy and healthy! Sounds like a winning combination to me!

It was not! What I ate would've given a coronary to Anthony Bourdain, not for the fat content but for the what's in this crap content!

It was acid, so I added sugar, flat so I added sriraccha, and just where were those veggies??? I added garlic and green peppers, but nothing helped it. It feels like a liter of lava sloshing in my stomach. Yikkes! I need some Tums STAT!

It's safe to say that the leftovers will be transformed in a chili? Mexican lasagna? Don't know yet....

Truth be told when I bought that can I was fulfilling a childhood food fantasy....Manwhich sauce was created in 1969. My parents watched mostly american television and back then we had american commercials, so I saw the Manwhich spot a lot! I knew better than to ask my mom to buy it while on vacation, she would have none of it.

Now I can declare : Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, had indigestion!  

Next time I eat a sloppy joe, it will be homemade....yes I bet I have all the fixings in that pantry of mine!

P.S: I'm shopping in my closet too!


Linda @ A La Carte said...

I tried manwich at someone's house once and it was not good at all! Still until we try it those commercials make it sound wonderful. Sigh...
hugs, Linda

Jill said...

I've never eaten it and I don't think I want to.....

Unknown said...

I remember the commercials for funny