Sunday, December 29, 2013

Kitty in a basket

I just could not, not post this because in my eyes it is one of the most adorable things of 2013.

In my house of course!

Feast your eyes on this!

                My little princess Yoda!

                                            Here Dan is trying to get her attention.
                                            She's the real ruler of the clodder since Pinotte flew to heaven
                                             back in October.
                                            The guys need to walk straight!

                                             Be well, sleep tight! I can't believe I have to work tomorrow :(

                                             Oh well  ! It is what it is!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Boxing week deals

I hope everyone and a wonderful Xmas  and had the opportunity to rest a bit.

Today I'm happy to say that I rested and did stuff not related to the Holidays. Don't get me wrong!
I loooooovvvveeee Xmas but I find that I need more time to prepare joyfully.

We have been engaged  in a wintery marathon of shopping,working,baking,cooking,shovelling, de-icing, working,decorating and trying to stay thrifty and sane.

And even with all the running around the house was not as christmassy as I wanted it!

                                            Here is a little Xmas vignette in the hall
                                            Do you recognize Henry the Xmas Elf?

                                            Now this being Boxing week, I was curious to see what had happened
                                              to the $120 cookies! The glass jars were gone.....all of them
                                             But  spotted this                             
                                               This is the sibbling of he glass jar $120 also
                                              A bargain at $59.00

Now for that furry frend in your life....

 A steal at $49.00!!!

Now just down the road is Ogilvy's another luxury departement store....
It is as you remember the place where I saw the $145 pannetone. That was gone too!
But I saw something far better!
I give you the most cake (pannetone) I have ever seen
Your eyes are not deceiving yourself!
And it was sitting on this cake stand
And since the cake was so expensive, I for just a minute, thought that
the cake stand was included
But no

From $95 reduced to $66.50
 I got my cake stand for $3 in an flea market....
Makes you think!
I might get to thrift later this afternoon

Monday, December 16, 2013

You just never know

Saturday was the most amazing day!

We got up early and finished the Xmas lights outside, in minus 20 Celsius, this is quite an achievement....

Then we brought the Xmas tree from the basement, and installed it (still not finished but working on it).

Later that day we had a line dancing party and on our way, it was still quite early, we spotted a thrift shop (squeals of joy)

I found this cutie pie...

                                             I had never seen one like this before. I plan to group
                                            Santa blowmolds in a gaggle or clodder.
                                             Now what do you call a group of Santas???

                                At the party I won this HUGE fruit basket!

                                 I gave some to a friend but I am still struggling with finding uses for all this fruit!

There will be cinamon apples and pear compote! NICE

Have a great night and stay warm!!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Balls of meat

Yes ok that is a strange title and could generate improper thoughts....

As usual every year around this time I make Tourtiere; the traditionnal french canadian meat pie.

The dough was ready and so was the meat...

When I realized that I had no small aluminum foil plates left.....

I had a couple of large ones...but no small. I then remembered that last year I ran out and had to use Pyrex Pixies to make the pies.

So I used my large foil plates then the Pyrex Pixies....By then I still had meat and dough!

That is when I came up with balls of meat!

Actually tourtiere meat encased in pie crust.

       They were delicious! That is thrifty ingenuity incarnate, yep!

       Today I went to the dollar store and picked up 16 small aluminum foil pie plates, I like to be prepared....But Dan doubts I will remember where I stashed them next December!

We will see. I will surely do another meat pie post....and I will make some french canadian balles of meat for sure!

Be well, be safe and be thrifty!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


I had a study day today to study and prepare for an insurance exam.

I was up at the crack of dawn (as usual) to prepare for Dan's day and my own. Hey I figure if Dan's morning goes smoothly, then I can go on with my business!

So at 6:30 am I was sitting in front of the computer ready to learn......I learned a lot of things relevant to my job....But it seemed to go on forever!

I took a break to walk....walk to my fave wednesday morning destination!

The church basement!

                                As you can see it is Winter here. We have snow ad the river is
                                starting to freeze

                                The air was so crisp and delicious!

I saw this tackylicous vintage carpet on a very un-vintage house.
And I thought of my friend Josée who got something similar in a job gift exchange.
I couldn't get closer because there was a car in the driveway and a lady in the kitchen!
The Xmas table in the church basement was pathetic.....
But there's always next time!