So February in Canada means a visit to the financial adviser or contributing to your RRSP
if you have one.
I don't really like parting from my hard earned cash but in the long haul but
I will get a tax reduction...
Near the financial adviser's office there is a Value Village!
Of course I had to stop!
Scored these vintage new Horizons Blue Pyrex Fridgies for
a big ol' $3.97 canadian! woot
Now I am on the hunt for the Horizons Blue 503....
Whoa! That is a great find!!
Really great find! All in one spot in good condition - great day! I ended up putting more in my RRSP than we wanted to due to a tax bill (we zeroed it out) - thank goodness they let you do so in the first 60 days of the year for the year prior. We only save minimally now for retirement as it is funded and we are lining up our revenue streams as hubby is 55 now and he wants to shut the company down in the next 5-10 years
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