I found the syrup pitcher at a community thrift shop and also the Old Town blue cups. Speaking of the cups....I couldn't really look at them because they were tapped together in a pack of four, so when I got home I saw that I had 3 cups with the design and a plain white one! I was a bit pissed off! But what the....Maybe some good soul will adopt them.....LOL
The divided snack dish came from the Salvation army and required a lot of elbow grease.....It was so dirty, and even showed signs of cigarette burns! But with a good soaking and scrubbing, it came out just like new!
I just fell in love with the turquoise salad servers(also from the Salvation Army)....They were so vintage! And really clean....And I'm happy to report that they found a good home!!!
Last pale blue piece, still from the Salvation Army, is what I call a candy dish.....It could be used for a vase, a planter, a catchall.
I just find the shape delightful....I would keep everything....but it has been made clear that we need room! LOL
I sure hope the rest of the month will bring me plenty of finds and that March will be even better!
Pyrex has been scarce lately.....And either the piece is too expensive or in really bad shape....
I have been hunting for some Fry Glass pieces, for my Dad and so far I have found a very nice casserole with lid and craddle and 2 custard cups.But that is for another post......
Happy hunting!