Rest assured Pyrex fans this is not a naughty phrase!
This actually stands for Turquoise and Butterprint. Now these are amongst my fave patterns so I need to keep them handy!
Did I mention that I have Pyrex in the kitchen, the dining room, living room , basement, hall, garden shed,bedrooms and bathroom. This means EVERYWHERE!
So since I'm taking pictures of my Pyrex, it seems a good time to take inventory and rediscover forgotten pieces...
This is the new display in my kitchen.
I love having the Pyrex right there so i can use them all the time!
Butterprint refrigerator set and butter dish
Now I got the fridgie set in Maine in 2007, minus one small one for 10$
It was Dan who spotted it.
The Cinderella set was a gift from Dad (the original Pyrex soldier)
and so was the carafe. The carafe came from a thrift store near my Dad's house
that reeks of cigarettes REAL BAD! I often find things there but I have problems get rid of the smell on me!
Now I was really psyched and inspired by the Pyrex pic challenge!!!
I started cleaning my big wod armoire to `find` some lost Pyrex and some other stuff.
I'm the kind of person who opens a drawer and just stuffs things in it; so I need to clean every couple of months just to find important papers.
By the way Dan is just the same....LOL!
Have a great night
I'll be up bright and early and doing some cool Pyrex inventory!