Thursday, December 6, 2018

Ages I tell you!

what can I say? I last posted in October!!!

To tell you the truth we have been quite busy here.....

We have bought a duplex and will be moving in 2019. We are now running around and purging like mad to sell the present house....

 This will be my new kitchen.....

 And this is the family room....

I have so much stuff to get rid of that if I could I would 
just open up a booth in a flea market and stick everything in there...
but this is Montreal and we don't really have that.
 I was lucky enough to find a great lady who runs a second hand store and 
let's just say we help each other.
I sell cheap and she buys....
 You know what? I don't like copper, brass and pewter
I have come to hate it and I was really glad
when she left with it!

and yes I am taking all my Pyrex with

Next post? my trip to Vegas!!!


Linda @ A La Carte said...

The new place looks great! I can't wait to see more after you move in. I'm so busy getting rid of things myself. I feel the need to downsize and simplify! Of course I have Christmas stuff everywhere but I do have a big load for the thrift shop also. Vegas? can't wait!

Cheapchick said...

Wow, congrats on your new place! I know you have purged a lot since your Dad passed but moving will take that to a whole new level. I had no doubt the pyrex would make the move :) And Vegas!!! Can't wait