Monday I made meat pies (tourtieres). This is traditional french canadian winter food and served at Xmas in most households...
You can buy pretty good ones, but since I got the bestest (yes bestest) dough recipe in the world...Thanks to my friend and ex-collegue Chantal Cardinal (and one of the most accomplished cook I know...) I just have to make some....They truly are a joy to eat (for us meat eaters). The filling is a mix of ground beef and pork and bacon and leeks and garlic,onions and herbs and spices....
Usually I make the small ones because we are only two and I give some to my Dad
and to my step daughter (who was a vegeterian at one point but could kill for some rib roast or proschiutto). This year I didn't find any small plates but a had a big bunch of new large foil plates...They came out perfect, so perfect actually I might need to make another batch!!!
My friend Chantal makes at least a dozen this time of year....
I eat mine with green beans or broccoli and fruit ketchup!
Delightful....Next time I will show you today's snowstorm...TTFN
These look wonderful, I might need to try to make some! Is it like a flaky pie crust type dough?
It is flaky but not like puff pastry, If you want I could send you the recipe.
OK j'en veux, je t'en achete 5, ils ont l'air tellement bonne.
Une chose que j'hais faire c'est bien des tourtières mais ne me demande pas pourquoi je ne le sais pas moi non plus. Demande moi 150 boulettes dans un ragout de patte de cochon pas de problème, mais pas des tourtières....
Chantal va être contente de savoir que tu parle de ses tourtières.
En passant je suis sérieuse, je m'en vais sur ton autre site voir si je peux en acheter..LOL
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