Sunday, February 17, 2013

Bad News, Good news

I was really surprised when my neighbor's son knocked on the door yesterday....First of all he knocked and we never get visitors.

He asked me if I recognized him and my first thought was that he was going to tell me that his Mom died . But thank god he just came to tell me that his Mom wanted me to have her old dishes and that she was moving.

Now this lady is my favorite neighbour and it feels real good to have her next door and she was the cats babysiter.

But really I didn't think about the cats, I only was sad about seeing her leave...

Here's somethings she gave me:

This a sweet, sweet ashtray, you know how I LOOOOOOVE ashtrays!
Onion Soup dishes with plates
Made in Canada
A Glasbake casserole with warmer
I love this reamer but the maker escapes me....
There're plenty of other treasures but I didn't have time to take pictures.
I hope to show you more soon!


Linda @ A La Carte said...

How wonderful of her to give you her dishes and things! It's hard to lose a good neighbor! Hugs, Linda

Anonymous said...

Aw, that was sweet of your namer to think of you. The ashtray is pretty nifty!

The White Pear Tree said...

Bitter sweet!

Love the Glasbake casserole!


ColibriNB said...

What a nice neighbour you have. I'm sure you're sad to see her go.

Mick said...

How nice! Lots of glass to remember her by!