Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring is near

I've been having "The itch" for a couple of weeks now...the itch to start seeds indoors! So I figured it's time to start tomatoes and peppers....
I can just taste their sunkissed goodness....Hum....Tomatoes!
I start by soaking some peat pellets (in a pink Pyrex!) and then placing them in the trays. I have been starting seeds for about 10 years now and I find that smaller trays (6 pellets) are easier to handle at this stage because the seeds don't all germinate at the same time.
I place one or two seeds in each pellet and cover them with a bit of peat then I place the green house cover on the tray. As you can see on the second picture I misplaced/broke a cover and replaced it with a zipper bag( I hope this works)
So far I sowed 4 kinds of tomaotes (Polish linguisa,bush beefsteak, sweet 100, and yellow cherry tomatoes),ground cherries,3 kinds of peppers (pepperoncini,sweet pickles,ancho). Next week I will sow basil, flat parsley,kale and surely other veggies.....
Last summer the pepperoncini were a great success and delicious. The ancho chilies didn't even sprout, so time will tell. Since I live in a colder climate (zone 41/2-5) some plants just don't want to grow in my garden. I'll keep you posted for sure!
Today was also Friday the 13th so pancakes were a must to ensure the flow of money to the pay the bills of course!!! lol

The third picture illustrates the crepes suzette process.
This is my 100th post! Time flies very fast....I started in June 2008 and I never thought I had things to say to fill all those posts!
I truly appreciate your comments, so keep leaving them!!!
Thank you for stopping by! Here's to another 100th posts! Here,here!!!
Be passionate! :-)


Anonymous said...

congratulations on your 100th post!

Vonlipi said...

Thank you!

I always enjoy your visits!

Be well