Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Busy, busy!

So I started my Xmas cooking monday. After my bike ride I made
some good ol' tourtières (meat pies). This is the first batch, I ususaly make another one in December. I was able to squeeze out eight individual ones. They are kinda big for one and we usually split one for supper, and they're perfect for Dad (half for supper,half for his lunch the next day). This is so cute! My Dad still brown bags it!
With the leftover dough I made Pets de soeurs (nun's farts). LOL ok the translation is real funny! This is really an old time dessert. You roll out the dough, spread some butter,sprinkle some brown sugar, roll the dough in little logs and cut in slices. You cram them up in a pie plate (in this case Pyrex) and bake until golden. Garanteed to add junk in your trunk!
Yesterday I stuffed a batch of italian sausages in their casing (all y my lonesome), loaded up the dehydrator with ground cherries,Gala apples and pineapple slices. And one must not forget the big batch of candied ginger I made. It's a classic for the holidays and has health benefits as well. It will help your digestion and is amazing if you have a cold.
Especially in this messed up cold season. I'm still debating if i'll get the shot or not....
Have a great one and don't forget to visit tomorrow for VTT. It's going to be gooood! I'll give you a hint...Canadian Pyrex! LOL


Unknown said...

nuns farts? what the?

MomWaldsPlace said...

Canadian Pyrex and sweetrolls we can't are such a tease.

Way to go on the baking ahead! I'm starting next Tuesday with a friend. (She just doesn't know it yet!)