Last thrusday I was really excited to go to the St-Georges annual Xmas sale. 2 years in a row I found snowflake Pyrex there at reasonnable prices. I had no idea how big a shock I was in for....
Not only there was NO pyrex, but the prices were really crazy! The price of the plum pudding doubled! A dollar for a piece of fudge...what the?????
I went downstairs to hunt some more and I witnessed the same scenario there....4 little green bowls at 2 dollars EACH! They were worth 2$ for the 4 not more! I saw a glass electric insulator for 15$ That was it! I had to get out of there...FAST!
To apease my frayed nerves, I had lunch at McDonald's. I had been fantasizing about chicken nuggets for a while (more than a year actually). Another mista
ke! Those were tasteless, the sauce too vinaigry....eurk!
On to the Salvation Army....I hope I would have more luck there....The thrifting gods answered my prayers....I turned a corner and time stopped, a lady was holding....a liquor caddy! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!
I found some adorable stackable cups as well. I just love those!
And last but not least .....a FireKing Gay Fad square baking dish....
All these fab items and more are in my etsy shop, so son't be shy and drop by! I love convos!
Also I add some cool new stuff nearly everyday....'coz Xmas is coming!
See you!
Swoon.... Drool..... Serious verklemptatude...
LOL! stop! stop! My face hurts I'm laughing so much!
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