Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Busy day!

I want to welcome all my new followers! 108 how cool is that? That is super MEGA cool! LOL

This morning I will be dropping off magazines at my local church basement and visiting their Xmas table....Who knows!

After I need to mail this little guy

He found a good home in Minnesota...

I also have to run a couple of errands, the usual : bread, cold cuts...

Then back home where I need to take a cyber situational test. I explain: I've been actively looking for a job and one company is interested in my qualifications so they sent me a link to a test. This test will duplicate the environement of a call center...How high tech is that???

So I need all the positive energy you can send me my faithful followers! I know you'll come through for me!

I'm very excited about this. The test will last about 90 minutes. So the rest of the day is up in the air!

If I have the strenght, I will work outside. There's still plenty to do and the mercury is expected to drop significantly tonight to about 17 farenheit. That is COLD!

I'll keep you posted on what happened.

I wanted to share an adorable little guy I found last week at the Sally Ann

                                                                  How cute is he?

His nose is so bright just like Rudolph's

Have a great day and keep on thrifting :)


The White Pear Tree said...

He is just sooo adorable!! I'm sure he will bring you good luck with your job test!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

You can do it! Sending you much good luck! Love the Santa with the light up nose!