Thursday, May 31, 2012

Oh My!

Last friday when I came home from work I had a HUGE surprise!

Dan, who was on stayccation, did a bit of redecorating in the living room....

Living room before....

Living room after!!!

The wallpaper is like a faux bamboo weave, with floating shelves and little milkglass tumblers that
we use as votive holders.
I really like the way our atomic lamps look. I still need to rewire them!

But that is for a rainy weekend after noon!

I was speechless for a good 5 minutes! I had no idea this was going down!
Imagine all the hiding, the little white lying, the running around so I wouldn't find out!

That was one of the most thoughtful gift I've ever had.

Thank you Dan, you're the BESTEST! I love it and every time I go in that room I'm blown away!

Well that's it for now folks, I have tons of housework to do.

Later alligators :)  

Friday, May 25, 2012

More Mug Joy!

We're in the middle of a scorcher in western Quebec, by scorcher I mean 97 F in the shade! For me it's way too warm, and I have problems dealing with the humidity. I have problems breathings me SUPER CRANKY!

Thank god I had the presence of mind to schedule the A/C's installation and the pool is not ready but running fine (so far). There is a lot of finger crossing and praying! If you've followed my blog for a while you know about the adventures of pool girl!

So here's the balance of last saturday's pictures...

 I did mention I'd bought a lot of mugs!

I saw those in the Fireking book. Worth at least 15$ each! Yikes!
Anyways I'm keeping them because they're just too cute!

 This is soooo Mad Men. It definitely makes me want to serve cocktails!
(every time it happens to me, I'm missing an ingredient!)

Last but not least this cute blowmold!

No Dad it's not on the patio anymore (He's still in shock from the blowmold herd by the pool)

In case you never saw that pic here it is for your viewing pleasure!

  It is a tad white trash, but what can you do?
It is what it is.

(I should take a pic from that same area to prove it's not as hillbilly)

By  the way that green chair is to die for! We cleaned it good and left it outside to freeze the possible
buggers , sprayed vodka on it (It kills odours) and applied furniture shampoo on it.

I'll share some pics soon!

Remember this : Carpe Diem (Seize the day)

Sunday, May 20, 2012


WARNING this post is picture heavy!

Yesterday we were out the door at 8:30 am full of caffeine, wondering what the day had in store for us...

First stop is about 5 minutes from my house and we buy stuff there every year. We scored 2 vintage folding lawn chairs. The fram is in excellent condition but I might have to redo the seat.

I know you can buy the stuff on line so this will be a fun adventure!

Next I got 2 brand new never used Pyrex baking dishes with the plastic covers

I got the 4 milkglass tumblers at a church sale.
We got 3 archies, a cutter and a shovel (not pictured) for 6$.

I also got a lime green bamboo mat 2 ft X 3ft for one dollar (new still in the bag)

Now this is where it gets interesting!
 We drove and drove and a lot of neighborhood didn,t even have a table out so we decided to go back home....

And we see a lonely pink sign...

And then I FREAK OUT!

This couple had about 8 tables FULL OF BARWARE, GLASSWARE, PYREX AND FIREKING!

You should've seen this girl running around trying to take everything in!

Want some more???

Man oh man so much excitement!

We made a run spent 14$ and went back home.
After 10 minutes at home we looked at each other and got back in the car and went back!

The couple was laughing ans so were we.

We spent another 16$. Their prices were crazy low. Turns out they had bought lots at auctions and now the husband wanted his garage back!
I actually thanked him for wanting his garage back!

Here's what we got!

3 boozy guys for Dan

Never ever used Fireking cereal bowls
with the original price tag still on (5 for 1.44 $)

Dan fell hard for these Indiana glass Black Diamond Point glasses.

Xmas goodies!
On the left a vintage corsage (I will wear it at Xmas time),
and a dozen foil light reflectors, on the right some foil wreath with dangling bells.

Lotsa mugs

A 502 Verde with lid (2$) a Pyrex made in Canada dry measuring cup.
A cute jar from Avon and a delphite lid.
Now the guy was sorry he only had the lid, I said what a coincidence! I have the bottom!

Well folks that's it for today because I still need to take more pictures from the stuff we bought.
And I gotta get ready I have a christening this afternoon!

Be well and keep thrifting! 


Friday, May 18, 2012


Sometimes it seems you blink and a whole week has passed you by.....You wake up monday morning and next thing you know it's friday night!

Thank god for the long weekend here in Canada (It will give us time to catch up on some zzzzzzzssss and chores)

As I was writing last week....I have a deep urge, a need,a longing, a yearning for some really satisfying thrifting.

You know the high, the rush of adrenaline....

So I told Dan that I needed a trip to the Salvation Army!

And boy was it ever good and satisfying!

Yeah, yeah I've bitched and moaned about divided dish before....but I've been in a major Pyrex dryspell and what do you know they don't stack well but are pretty handy!

Minty fresh Corex! Corex was made by Corning in Leaside, Ontario; in  the very same plant Pyrex was made. I found the sugar bowl in the first aisle and the creamer in the last one.
I was jumping with glee! They will go in the shop shortly .

Now I also found a groovy glass ice bucket and a Coca-Cola 1976 Olympic tray but I was too scatter brained to take pictures!

Now tomorrow I have HUGE expectations because on Ile Perrot (the island I live on) is the first of three weekends of island wide garage sales and the weather is supposed to be cooperating.

I'm looking for owls, Pyrex, Le Creuset and assorted funky vintage goodies! 


Sunday, May 13, 2012

So Soon?

This has been one of those really weird weekends...on the space time continuum.

It felt like I was on vacation not like a weekend.

Yesterday I ran all over the house to clean it up while Dan was at the barber. After I was off to an afternoon of pampering with my step daughter Veronica in downtown Montreal.

Now this spa afternoon was a Xmas gift from Dan. I called in january to book the appointment and was only able to get yesterday.

We both got a massage, a pedicure and a facial! It was heavenly!

Massages were a regular part of my mental health routine before I lost my job in 2008; so it's been 4 years since my last massage; I'm already plotting for my next appointment.....

So I've been out of focus ever since. There was even a time when my bifocal glasses didn't work anymore!

So when came back home for a supper of filet mignon,Quebec asparagus,king mushrooms and baby potatoes.

The king mushrooms were delicious. I cut them in half and marinated them in EVOO and thyme
from the garden; then a quick trip on the grill.

Here's a close up of the mushroom deliciousness!

Meaty and satisfying.

We learned that for mother's day there's always a sale on filet mignon and on father's day a sale
on rib steak!
I'll jot in down on my calendar! 

I had an amazing run at the Sally Ann on friday night....Stay tuned for a thrifty post!

I can't believe I have to work tomorrow!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Friday I worked late and met Dan in the parking of our local grocery store. I had a couple more things to get for the weekend.
When I came out I opened the trunk and saw a big pile of vintage still in the package un-opened Xmas wrapping paper. And I heard : Are those vintage? Yes they are!

Where did you find those?  I asked.I got my secrets....I just dug around! You can do what you want with them; sell or keep them it's up to you!

OMG! Aren't you the sweetest!

Aren't those cute?

Here's the flip side.

Packages have 2 patterns each.

You know what? I'll sell some and keep some!

Thanks Dan, I taught you well :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Thrifty Gifts

A couple of weeks ago, out of the blue, I got an email from a lady I used to work with.  Her mother was selling her house and they had a lot of stuff to get rid off.

Well we talked and she was really pushing a dinette set which I had no room for (she's a nice pusher).

Eventally we went over and she gave use some really cool pieces.....

I've been wanting a pickup table for ages! I nearly bought one the other day!

 With the addition of this cool orange tray, it turns into a fab
phone table!
Notice the blue tape on the baseboards, a work in progress....

We also got 2 bookshelves with sliding glass doors. I don't have pictures because the light never
seems quite right. Bummer

Thank you Josée! We love the furniture!
Until next time!