Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Romantic Interlude....




It is here at last....

I've been waiting for it for nearly 5 years....

Yes this is the Green New Dots 404 bowl.
If you're looking for me, I will be in my kitchen fawning over it!
It came from Etsy and even if I paid a pretty penny, it was still less; including shipping than the prices I usually see in Ebay.
Sleep tight :)


Maureen said...

High five! It's awesome.

The White Pear Tree said...

Congrats! Your patience was rewarded.

Jill said...

I don't have a whole lot of complete sets but I sure would like the green dots, i think that would be nice to say I had the complete set of dots!! Have fun staring at it!

Old Fashioned Gal said...

Can you believe I passed up a green dot a couple of years ago in a flea market?! Ugh...it makes me sick just thinking about it!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

So nice when dreams come true!
hugs, Linda

ColibriNB said...

Bravo! Your patience paid off.
Funny, but when I saw your post's title, I could just imagine you hugging it with all your might (lol)!