Tuesday, March 31, 2009
1 year anniversary
Now I will return to work eventually, but I still don't know what I want to do. Except that I would very much like to work from home or nearby. 3 hours of daily commute is too much for me.....
I consider myself lucky because I don't HAVE to go back to work right NOW. Dan has a steady paycheck and my unemployement insurance covers the basics. I can't afford luxuries, but as long as the bills are paid. It's okay by me!
Anyways for me it's a question of priority, I don't want to go back to work so we can buy more stuff and load up the credit cards. I'm done with that! Here we don't have any Joneses to keep up with....
I ask God to put me on the right path and he will because he's always there for me, watching over me and guiding my life.
Have a happy day!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Earth hour

Saturday night, nothing good on TV....There's never anything on TV on saturday night. Except SNL and usually too late for little old me!
So what a wonderful occasion to participate in Earth Hour! We went dark from 8:30 to 9:30 last night and spent the time eating microwave popcorn and spying on our neighbors to see if their houses were dark....I live in a small dead end street with only 6 houses and I'm sad to report that only 50% of the residents participated....But I'm positive that next year more will do.
When you think about it every little gesture counts! Shutting off lights when not in use, replacing light bulbs with neon bulbs or LED, recycling, composting, shopping locally...Planting drought resistant plants and even replacing grass with plants that don't require as much water and of course using reusable shopping bags! And those pesky plastic water bottles! We use a Brita to filter our drinking water and the water is sweet and refreshing!
Shopping locally is hard in a cold climate, let's face it we would only eat carrots,potatoes,cabbage and onions in winter(good veggies but lack variety!!!). I try to buy products from my province at least, so now my dishwashing liquid (Bio-Vert)comes from Laval (15 min north of Montreal) and is certified enviromental choice, my powdered soap for the dishwasher (produits ecolo lemieux) is not only biodegredable but made in Montreal and my detergent (La parisienne) has the same provenance. As for the price well they have come a long way, the liquid dish soap and the detergent are really competitively priced and I find them less expensive than 'National Brands' quite often! The powdered dishwasher soap is 8.00$ for 2 kilos and lasts a really long time. So I figure I'm also a winner there!
Doing my part makes sense!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Good food!
I made another batch of sauce to marinate small chunks of tofu...That was tonight's super....Delicious as well
Thursday, March 19, 2009
They're back!
The canada geese!!! All loud and noisy, they truly are the harbingers of spring!
I saw a couple of flights of geese yesterday going to the church basement. They brought me such joy!
I feel this winter has been very,very long, not that cold at least in southern Quebec but very long....At least to me! Maybe it's the 'I don't work thing'...Don't know!
Tonite to celebrate the arrival of spring I'm gonna try to fire up the old BBQ...and make us some good juicy meaty hamburgers....served with fried mushrooms, dijon mustard and cream cheese...OMG! BBQ heaven....Of course the buns will be toasted ( I need my buns toasted...in a food sense! Now get your minds out of the gutter people!!! LOL)
How is it that most burgers i see in triple D (diners,drive-in and dives) don't have the toasted buns? Guy if you read this please leave a comment. I'm a big fan of yours and I just have to know.....
Bbqcuing (is that a word?) represents freedom and no responsabilities.....It means I just have to throw some meat on it and presto changeo SUPPER!!! And add to that a couple of tomato wedges and cuke slices and you have a salad....good times!
Until then, have a nice night and euh... Welcome back to the geese!!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
1.69 $
Also on the thrifting front 2 weeks ago I went downtown (Montreal) to the salvation army and found one of these Corning army bowls that I keep seeing in Flickr and Pyrex love. For a piece that has probably been to the front it is in wonderful shape a bit scratched but let's face it I have a couple of scratches as well!!! And I paid .69 cents for it, so I figured it is worth it.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Spring is near
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Angel update
Well I finished season 3. I turned the house upside down trying to find the last 2 seasons (really! I nearly lost sleep over that...I was like a maniac) and nothing! After a couple of days I realised that I never had them, I never bought them....(rats!)
So now I'm on the prowl for Angel....lol. I tried Ebay but what I found was way too expensive....I tried some internet reatilers...expensive as well....I went to Walmart (I never go to Walmart, I associate that store with the SPAWN OF SATAN! Need I go into the union thing?, the low wages? the harrassement? the blackmail of local companies?-Granted the prices are good for the customers....) So there I am in Walmart, battling the crazed bargain hunters with their carts full of kids....repeating "Don't stop and look, don't stop and touch just go to the electronics department"...Well they only had seasons 1 & 2...Bummer! Big badaboum bummer!!! LOL
So I started to watch Buffy the vampire slayer.....
Friday, March 6, 2009
Pizza ? Did someone say Pizza???
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Adventures in bread making....
On another subject....I love opening my email and finding I sold something on Etsy! It always makes my day!