I did however, find pics from my figure skating days 1973-1977. Every May (around Mother's Day) we would have a recital with costumed numbers,programms and soloists.
We were cast according to age and height. My first year I was a Pierrot (some sort of sad clow-I couldn't find the translation) and also in the chorus of a number called 'Buttons and Bows'.

It was the ugliest costume, I remember it well! A polyester rust short dress with a big sequin button in front. My parents probably didn't fork over money for that ugly pic!LOL
Every time I hear the song I think of that costume and of Frasier Crane at the PBS fundraiser singing 'Buttons and Bows'. babetipoo, bibediboo,lalalala buttons and bows!
Second year I was cast in Tea for Two. I was a tea bag!
Ewwwww! I wanted so much to be a sugar cube or a spoon. And the choreographer didn't want us to sit on our tea leaves...

Third year it was Cowboys and Indians....Yes I was an indian! Even if my hair was really long and strait and I could put it in braids no problem, I had to wear that bad Phentex-sy wig.
My head was itchy and sweaty...eeeeewwwww! Very traumatic for an 11 year old girl!

The other skaters would call us 'the little checkerd jars' which is a reference to a jam company in Quebec, Vachon and they sold their jams in petits pots carrotés (little checkered jars).
I remember being cold in the costume because of those sleeves where all the cold air from the ice would seep in!
All those costumes were rented, so the instructors would tell us over and over again to be careful and not ruin the costume....
Of course my proud parents would bring the whole family to these recitals. My Mom would say everytime: I recognize because you're the only one with straight legs!
Since I had earned all my badges, it was time for some private lessons which were mucho dinero and didn't coincide with my school schedule, so figure skating was out.
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Later faithful readers! :)