Saturday, July 28, 2012

In the newspaper

Here's what I just found while reading the comics!

Click on the image to make it bigger

I'd be careful with that Pink casserole too, yes you with the hook! LOL

Have a great day :)

Friday, July 27, 2012


Well it had to happen eventually.....

Last Sunday while I was preparing supper....

I broke a Pyrex!

And let me tell you; it hurts!

This casserole had a sentimental value; my Dad had bought it for me at Brimfield...

You know, it happens so fast. I remeber I had something in my hand, some kind of veggie I believe.

I reached for the 1 pint casserole and next thing I knew it slipped, bounced on the KitchenAid

And exploded in mid-air after....throwing shards all over the kitchen and lodging some in my hand.

Ouch! I couldn't even see them, but I sure could feel them.

I picked up the bigger pieces by hand, then I swept the floor and finally I vacuumed.

The hamburgers were overcooked! LOL

Right after supper I was surfing the web and hunting for the very same casserole.

I found one from one of my favorite Etsy sellers Jen from Jen's closet . She is one of the nicest persons I've had the pleasure to 'meet' on the web.

Be sure to drop by for a visit and say hi!

As a matter of fact I just bought a new to me 471 1 pint Pyrex Butterprint casserole! YAY!

I'm looking forward to a weekend of floating in the pool (definitely), thrifting (hopefully), and sampling real Kansas style BBQ (please,please,please) not too far from my house. I will be cooking,gardening and reading too

Yay for summer!

Maybe I can squeeze in a post about some of my Pyrex ;)

Monday, July 23, 2012

I just couldn't help myself!!!

After work this afternoon I had the chance to go to Renaissance for a bit of thrift!

If you're a regular reader you probably remember how I have a love/hate relationship with that place....

The pickings are often of the slim kind!

But tonight with my eagle eye I was able to sink my thrifty claws in these treasures!

 This crazy heatwave was momentarily side swept by these lovelies...
I know I made more exterior light bulbs....But how could I resist? Hoe could I resist Canadian Outdoor Lights????

Check out the funky shape!

I can't wait to try these! I got a whole bunch for $2.99.

If you know of a name for this disease please feel free to tell me!
I have a vintage ashtray sickness, we don't smoke. I love these!
I figure this one is for cigars.
It might go in the store.

And I kinda went nuts when I spotted this.....I knew Dan would love it.
 And I was right!

  Which bar ware lover wouldn't want this beauty?
And just who is Richard?

 This was a promo Jim Beam bottle from 1968

It will look great with the guys.

I also got a milk glass cup but it didn't look good on film, so that is for next time.

Thrifting is so much fun!

Now please send me some Pyrex....please,please,please! LOL

Have a good night and stay cool! 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dearly Departed

My Pyrex collection is like an entity...a living being. It ebbs and flows just like the tides.

One year I'm crazy about Pink, Turquoise, Butterprint. The next I still love those but I'm starting to love Butterfly Gold and Crazy Daisy.

I remember at one point I was like an alcoholic and buying left and right, from Etsy, Ebay and whatever site I could find. Promo pieces were at a premium.

Here are some pics of pieces I sold....because they fell out of favour.

I really needed to have this casserole... I love it until I was told the collection was too crazy, unrully and needed to be culled (rats). This went back to Ebay.....It is in Japan now.

                                                         Pink Gooseberry Cinderella set
I couldn't find a picture with the 4 bowls. I have no idea why but this pattern gave me the willies!
              REALLY! I'm sorry Dad but I couldn't get rid of this set fast enough!
                                        These bowls probably had a real bad karma because I couldn't sell these as a set,
I kept listing and re-listing on Ebay.....but nothing. I finally split the set and found buyers for all.

And what do you know? Less than six months after.....I NEED Gooseberry fridgies! REAL BAD!

                               Call 911! This lady is ready for the nuthouse!
                                    I don't miss the bowls.....But I still need the 503 fridgie!

Now I managed to forget the name of this pattern in the last 5 minutes.

Why do I think about Red Dot?

This is my first really crappy Ebay buy.

That casserole had been in the dish washer quite a few times, well enough to make it
In this picture I oiled it and gave it a good rub with a soft cloth.

Every time I tought about it I left ashamed that I got had.

I listed that one on Ebay and off it!

I did mention it had some dishwasher damage.
I hope its new owner feels good about it.

Nighty Night

Your Crazy Pyrexian from the north....

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

More Pyrex Old and New

I was really excited to find the Zodiac casserole with lid and stand on Ebay....

The price was alright, and you know how that works....sometimes when in the middle of  a Pyrex drought one is willing to pay a bit more....

 The listing did say that there was a chip in the lid and I was willing to live with that....

but I just hate it when sellers 'miss' big flaws in vintage Pyrex....

Can you see that really big scratch? Yes the big white scratch!!!

YIKES! Yes I wrote the seller, but you know how it is....

That takes care of the new Pyrex....

Let's move on to the old Pyrex! These 2 sweeties I recovered from the depth of my under stairs wardrobe...

 If I'm not mistaken this is the Constellation divided casserole with divided lid and double warmer.

The warmer still has candles jammed in ones. I got it a couple of years ago at the Anprim Flea about an hour west of Ottawa. Maybe longer I don't know, it was one of the most boring road ever!
Only 4 or 5 interesting boots, lotsa paperbacks and video tapes.

Last but not least....Here's one I really cherish; it was given to me by my good friend Céline (not Dion). It was her mother's and she remembers many saturday night with snacks served in the Snack Server!

I hope one day to find the rocking holder!

 I love the black crosses, this is sooooo cool at Halloween!

Time for my nightly veggie garden visit!
I started harvesting beans and cucumbers.
They are the best :)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Old Loves and A Thrifty Find

Time flies in summer with all the garden chores...

Weed,weed,weed,harvest,weed,weed,weed,water,water, weed,harvest!

I was, however,able to take time and rediscover some old faves (i.e: some of the Pyrex I'd stashed and forgot about)

New Dots in blue a gift from Dad from The Brimfield Flea in Mass.
I'm always in awe the way light hits milkglass.

Stripes in blue (yep I forgot the real name of the pattern) Is it Pastel Stripes?
I'll look it up.
Again the light. It makes me all fuzzy inside

I'm glad I found you!

Now I thought I'd share some day to day Pyrex with you.
This is where some of my everyday Pyrex lives


Huuuummm Pyrex!

I love me some Pyrex :)

How about a nice salad in Pyrex?

 This was super tasty!
Grape tomatoes,artichoke hearts, sliced black olives, green onions and green
and yellow beans fresh picked from the garden!

OMG I almost forgot about the thrifty find!

Yes that is a lamp, a turquoise metal lamp.
Now Dan insists on placing the shade that way....but that leaves little room
for the light bulb!

Yes you're seeing right!

New from the Christmas Tree Shop in South Portland

I'm giddy every time I look at it !

Well that's it for me folks, sleep tight ! 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Thrifty finds

As much as thrifting was meh in Maine I managed to score some things.....

Like these!

Now I always find it funny how people buy souvenirs on trips and then eventually dump then at the Goodwill...The cashier found it pretty ironic that I would buy souvenirs from Canada in Maine, being from Canada.

Let's just say that our hosts didn't find the same beauty in those than I did.

And those heart stopping beauties...

Brand new, still in their original box, still in their cellophane....

Really large burnt orange tappers

Totally NEW!

I was really proud to show them off to my Dad! He actually gasped!
I guess they were a bit too much for him.

Then I showed them to Dan...And I just got a YIKES!
I answered: They are for the dining room, you're always complaining that we need a pop of color!
Here it is!

Now I just need to find some candlesticks to fit those!

Gotta go! Masterchef is beginning and they will start to fight with sea urchins...

Sleep tight :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Yes dear readers, I was AWOL for a few days!

In fact I went to Maine for some R & R. Friends of ours invited us to their rented house in southern Maine and we were treated like royalty!

The temperature was perfect, the sea welcoming yet cool and the food amazing!

Now the shopping wasn't so hot. I completely forgot to buy all my american staples like liquid Coffee Mate, smoked mozzarella, bbq rub and more. I did manage to bring back some Barkeeper's Friend.

The thrifting was dismal....Even if I hit Goodwill, and 2 of my faves fleas....I didn't find Pyrex worth bringing back....Sad FACE!

Remember I mentioned that I found some Pyrex I stashed and I forgot
Here's some of it.

I really feel weird about that. Now what does it say about me?
 Now it is under my kitchen table until I display it or box it.

Tonight I went in my garden and saw all the lavender in full bloom and since my theme this year is waste not...I started the lavender harvest.

Of course Pyrex came to the rescue!

Have a peaceful night