Wednesday, December 31, 2008
My new creation
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Cold as a witch's tit....
Monday, December 29, 2008
I scanned, I scanned!!!

In 2007 I had a vision for the bathroom..Why not a beach theme? Pale blue (aqua) walls, a lot of white, a chandelier, sea glass, shells...(see previous post...we are now just finishing the bathroom...LOL) We went to the Lachute flea market and I found these wonderful vintage postcards. I put them in a drawer for safe keeping and since we never started the bathroon redo, I forgot about them....and basically I lost them! What else is new? We got around to the bathroom in late August 2008 did the paint installed the chandelier, but still had some details to think of....I was still thinking about the postcards...but not finding them. On canadian Thanksgiving we went to OOB (Old Orchard Beach) and I got some frames at the Christmas tree shop for the postcards....And then I lost the
I had a flash of genius this morning and I remembered where I stashed them and 15 min later I found the frames....Guess what? I need to trim them so they can fit....But I wanted to scan them first so I have an intact picture. I had to learn how to scan....install the software etc....But I' really proud of myself I did it!
Now to trim and frame!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
New energy
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Xmas!!!
the presents. Wonderful!!!
Today we went to my dad's place to feed the cats ( He's still in Spain toilling away). We watch a xmas movie and vegged out.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Meatball stew (Ragout de Boulettes)
This is definitely winter food. Eat that in California and you will die a slow and horrible death....LOL
I had in July once and couldn't move for 2 days....
To make this recipe (that is not written anywhere in my case) You have to start by toasting the flour for the gravy it tastes better than store bought. Then you season your ground pork with salt,pepper,ground cloves, cinnamon, a big chopped onion ,savory and chopped garlic. I had a bit of nutmeg. The day before I had made my stock by boiling pork hocks in water with celery, carrot, onion, bay leaf ,garlic and savory. After 2 hours I strain the broth and put it outside (covered of course) to cool so I can de-grease it in the morning. I take the hocks and remove the fat and the meat and put it in the fridge. Then I make the meatballs and roast them.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thrift finds....

For instance...take this handsome Bar pump (is there an official word for it????) Is a Xmas gift for Dan (who is into barware). I laughed sooo hard when I found this at The Salvation Army (I guess it's the pump...) I laughed for 2 days....I did go at night with some girlfriends after we had some wine....LOL!
On the same night I found this Hazel Atlas Ovide cream and sugar set...still bright and shiny!
The Royal Canadian Art Pottery mug is in top shape with both original tags...WoW! The tag from the manufacturer and the one from the store. It is deliciously tacky....
And what about the silver plate creamer? Delicious too lol! I love the retro!
last but not least a treasure from my church basement a super cute crab hand puppet...I shipped it as a Xmas gift to Ethan DND (do not destroy) the son of my flicker and etsy friend Mrs DoNotDestroy LOL. Not everyone embraces the concept of thrifting and recycling quite as much as Michelle (DND). So when I saw that crab, I thought of her son. I will be back soon because I need to tell you about the meatball stew (ragout de boulettes) and my visit to the Salvation Army 50% sale today!
Have a super night!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
The tree, the tree we got the tree!!!
tel (514) 453-1510
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Hum...Meat pies!!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Cold, sooooo COLD
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Birthday Cupcakes
Yesterday was my significant other's B-Day (Happy Birthday Dan!!!).
I made cupcakes with butter icing, but since the household is on Weight Watchers I only served 4 (2 each) and froze the rest (un-iced). I'm sure the cake with be ok, but I don't know about the icing...
When I really needed my mother's advice on cooking, she was already in the hospital (and not knowing the time of day) so I could not benefit from her experience....I kept some recipes from her books but a lot of then weren't relevant anymore....So please people, get your family's recipes while you can! Now I am the gardian of Granmimi's (my paternal grand mother) little sugar pies (diabetic pies) and Rejeanne's (my mother in law) Fruit squares (another diabetic When I say diabetic dessert it means that the whole thing is sooooooooo sweet; you will get diabetes!!! Or at least a good sugar buzz...
So much of our lives revolves around food...especially at this time of year...Let's get out our family recipes and make them, and celebrate the traditions!!!