I decided to participate in Retro Tuesday to encourage my bloggy friend Tracy the Crazy Suburban Mom who's hosting a Retro Tuesday week. Check it out!
www.crazysuburbanmom.comWhen I was growing up this book was a MUST in every household. It was THE bible of all things happening in the kitchen and more.
I think that every question in life could be answered by that book. Of course that was way before Douglas Adams informed us that the answer to every question in the universe was 42*, but I digress....
Jehanne Benoit was Quebec's Martha Stewart!
This however is not my mom's copy. My mom's copy was so tatered that my dad had it re-binded and repaired by nuns.
I don't know where this one came ( a thrift shop?) but my mom gave it to me when I flew the coop. That was nearly 24 years ago.
Oh sorry about the crookedness of the pics....I'm still a junior scanner!

I have tried a couple of recipes from that book with mixed results...really mixed!LOL
However 2 of my favorite mains come from that book! One is stuffed peppers and the other is deviled pork chops.....HUM pork chops!
It had been a while since I leafed through it and when i did last night (trying to find something good for Retro Tuesday) I was really surprised to find Corning ware and Pyrex!
The big casserole with the hearts is called Golden Hearts and was a promotional item issued in 1958

.This book was published in 1963. Sorry but I don't know anything about Corning ware! Cornflower blue, that's it!lol
I remember seeing some Flameware as well (the transparent ones with a bluish tone) but couldn't find it. This is one of my projects today....Busy girl!
It was such a shame that none of the pics are in color!
The last pic is probably one of my favorites...Assorted appetizers...YUM!
Now that the holidays are fast approaching...I will look up the recipes for sure (or cheat and buy some president's choice frozen appetizers!)
Have a fantastic weekend my faithful readers! Have fun!
* I'm referring to Douglas Adams book: The Hitchiker's guide to the Galaxy