As the days grow shorter and the temp cooler, even colder; I find myself really grateful for my house, for heat , light , for a great partner, for being resourceful, handy, crafty, quirky pets, for a full freezer,
for money to pay the bills, for a good job, for flannel sheets, hot water, for soup
and for being able to go in the backyard and harvest a big bowl of greens....
Fresh greens from the veggie garden.
Right arugula, left baby collards and in the Pyrex bowl a mix of arugula, baby collards and winter greens.
I'm thinking of sauteing some in butter for a side dish tonight.
Here's what the view looks like this afternoon.
The week was stressful....
We watched the news about Sandy approaching.
They predicted really bad things here and I was worried about the old tree in the backyard that should be cut....and the roof
But nothing really happened.
Instead we watched and gasped at the devastation in New England and New York city.
We are praying and sending you all good vibes.
People are suprinsingly resilient and strong in emergency situation like that.
I would've freaked out at first to loose my house or have damage to it.
I know because I freaked out Thursday night when we came home....
The workers came and removed all the ciment, that was rotting the house, good, but
they didn't install anything so we could get in the house....
Now the front door is boobage level!
It was dark and rainy and muddy...but we draged adirondak chairs and a plank and were finally able to reach the door... but we couldn't unlock it because the house had shifted.
There was a lot of fiddling involved and finally I was able to get in and feed the cats while Dan (crafty devil) fiddled some more so we could lock the door.
Yes that was part of the freak out, I also ranted that we should call the foreman because you don't let people stranded like THAT! Imagine if we were seniors or not as crafty!
These are my feet and you can see the chairs and the plank and a saucer because the black stray
came for a light lunch.
I'm praying all this gets fixed soon...
To all my readers that were affected by Sandy be safe, be well.
to the rest....well keep out of trouble! lol