This morning I've been scoping out crystals on Etsy....
Here it is!
It was the pic I could get with the bathroom's poor lighting.
And we installed the new kitchen fan and in a calm and orderly fashion!
No yelling!
This my new cooking buddy.
My old one went to the big appliance heaven in late September.
It is the oven that died and since I didn't want to have it repaired (again)....
Off to the store we went.
Yes there was the really basic white like I had with coils....but it wasn't really cheaper than the one with the flat top.
And one exactly like the one in the picture but with coils was only $20 less.
It is really hard to keep clean, but I definitely LOVE all the bells and whistles on it.
The timer, the bip when it's ready, the keep warm zone, the expendable element, the auto clean feature, but I have to admit that one scares me....
Well I'm off to fawn over the!
Your chandelier is pretty!
And love the Pyrex above the fan!
Wow nice new set up! I am afraid of the self cleaning thing too....
Nice chandelier and in your bathroom no less! Love your stove and fan!
Really cute chandelier. My mom's oven has the auto-clean and it really works great - don't be afraid of it!
And pretty Pyrex pinkness too!
I love my flat top - you have to buy the scrunge's and they work like a charm for cleaning it (they have sand so scrape anything off the glass). Just wait until it is completely cool before cleaning. House is looking very nice!
Good luck keeping it clean! I've used every product out there, the other day I read to use a moistened Bounce dryer sheet, it works just as good as anything. I would never have chosen this stove but I won a set of kitchen appliances a few years back - stove, fridge, dishwasher and microwave - I still can't believe that really happened!!
How nice and sleek looking! A new balcony AND kitchen appliances, moving on up!
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