Tuesday, July 29, 2008
What can you get for a twenty?
That is what you get for 20$!!! I went to the Encans Lachute today (90 min from Montreal). They have a flea market every tuesday during the summer. I was very impressed by the plethora of glassware: Pyrex, Fire King, Federal, Glasbake. And tons of depression glass too!
Today was a test run for Brimfield Mass (that big antique show in September). We went with our buggey and water, to see how it would work out. The conclusion more food! With the heat we felt kinda faint after while....
I really like the ones I bought today. The grease jar: 2$, the white 402 3$ ( I call it the popcorn size, 'coz when you want an individual bowl it is perfect!), the loaf pan 5$ (that pale turquoise is finger licking) and the Butterprint 441 & 442 10$ (for both) (they are minty!!!). I could've spend a lot more, but I realise, that I am not crazy about all the patterns (Old Orchard comes to mind) and I don't care for all the sizes (404 & 444 not so much, and that split casserole, so so...).
We had a wonderful lunch at a billards place called TopShot (the ribs are INCREDIBLE!). I have been watching that Food Network Show (Diners, Drive-ins and Dives or something like that) and I want to try all that interesting road food. Can you believe that I feel all Pyrexed out? I don't want to go to the church basement tomorrow....
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Step away from the dishwasher!!!
Yesterday, I was lucky enough to go to the Salvation Army (in Pierrefonds).
I found a small yellow 401 bowl and 2 small pink refrigerator dishes and a 502 (the medium one) pink also. But they had been ravaged by the dreaded dishwasher. The bowl was so bad that you could bearly see that it had been yellow. The refrigerator dishes were nearly as bad.
That makes me mad! I had to leave them there....I found a small Bodum coffee maker for .99 cents. Good
After a lunch at an Indian Buffet. I went to the Value Village in Pierrefonds as well. Slim pickings...I found a cover for a small casserole. I had an Autumn Harverst casserole sighting but I already had it. Oh well, It will be for another time!
This morning I had a call from Dad. He was all excited because he found me a small Daisy casserole, I don't know which size, but I am thrilled! That ends the week real well!
I found a small yellow 401 bowl and 2 small pink refrigerator dishes and a 502 (the medium one) pink also. But they had been ravaged by the dreaded dishwasher. The bowl was so bad that you could bearly see that it had been yellow. The refrigerator dishes were nearly as bad.
That makes me mad! I had to leave them there....I found a small Bodum coffee maker for .99 cents. Good
After a lunch at an Indian Buffet. I went to the Value Village in Pierrefonds as well. Slim pickings...I found a cover for a small casserole. I had an Autumn Harverst casserole sighting but I already had it. Oh well, It will be for another time!
This morning I had a call from Dad. He was all excited because he found me a small Daisy casserole, I don't know which size, but I am thrilled! That ends the week real well!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Guess what? More Pyrex!!!
Butterprint!!! The turquoise makes me happy!
The 444 I got at a church sale 3$ (I do believe this was mentionned in this blog), the 501 1.49$ (ditto for the blog thing) and the small casserole was a gift. I still have problems with my camera 'coz I can't figure our how to remove the flash...
Here is the set I kept.
I didn't have time to take more pictures. I had a really busy day. I did the grocery shopping and other errands, than I came home and cleaned the whole house. Woo I am in need of a cold one and a dip in the pool!!!
Just a quick bitching note...In Quebec we have 'Construction Holiday' which means that everybody working in construction has two weeks off. Translation: they take that opportunity to renovate their own houses and they make noise from real early in the morning until the suns sets-It is driving me BONKERS!!! Right now I am hearing a circular saw and I just want to shove it where the sun don't shine! Happy toughts, happy toughts! Picture delicious Pyrex .....
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
More Pyrex !
I just love those small casseroles! I use them for butter, a dip, a small left over, munchies...
The blue and the yellow are the first I bought in a church basement at 2$ each last September.
In my opinion Old Orchard is one of their most awful pattern...I have a soft spot for it because I love Old Orchard Beach (maine) so much. I got the 402 and 403 from a flea market in Cornwall, Ontario which proves that you eyes must be opened at all times....
But you never know! As time passes, my tastes evolve to Fisties,Sixties sometimes Seventies Kitsch. So only time will tell!
I am all out of pictures...bouhou, bouhou!
Monday, July 21, 2008
My Pyrex!!!
One of my off-time project was to take pictures of the Pyrex! So I started today! First of you have the Crazy Daisy pattern (two versions).
Then you have the Butterfly Gold (again two versions).The 501 with the small design was in my cabinets...un-noticed for quite a while! This is one of my favorite patterns (but it had to grow on me!)
I really love the instant coffee carafe on the left, because the promotional sticker is still partially on it
That is it for today, but I will continue to post pictures of my Pyrex collection.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Two for 3 bucks!
Did I mentioned that the Salvation Army and a heat wave don't mix very well? They have fans near the cash that's it...I do sweat a lot when I go there!
Anyways I got those 2 beauties for 3 dollars. Believe it or not the small Pyrex casserole was .89 cents, the Glasbake cup 1.99. You can see the difference of quality between Pyrex and Glasbake. Pyrex actually fired the paint afterwards, but I believe Glasbake just let it dry. The cup is matte not shiny like Pyrex. I will give the casserole to my Dad, he collects transparent Pyrex and I will give the cup to my friend Celine (She already has two,a salmon and a jade green)
The heatwave continues and being mindful of the environment and our carbon footprint we try to turn on the air conditionning as little as possible. Today my new haircolor actually ran in my neck...EEEWWWW!!! That's is hot and humid!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
One bowl at a time :)
A quarter! That is what I paid for this delicious Crazy Daisy 442 bowl! The Pyrex god was smiling on me today!
I was really pooped because I was coming back from the post office on my bike and i had to take a rest. So I said to myself: I will sit on the church steps and relax a bit. Well every Wednesday they open their church thrift store...It is mostly clothes, but i took a chance and I saw this sweet bowl waving. It has a bit of damage on the paint, but for .25 cents, I couldn't leave it there.
I find it always amusing when the persons working at these thrift stores look at me like I was mentally deranged to buy Pyrex. One time the lady told me: give me .10 cents and go! She didn't even want to give me a bag! Like I had puke all over me! And it happened again today, she just looked at me (a you are crazy lady look) and with a dismissive wave said: Just gimme .25 cents. Well good for me! I have to watch my budget...
Sunday, July 13, 2008
My new treasures
Yesterday I went to one of my favorite flea markets: Finnegan's in Hudson Quebec. It is situated in a field and is kind of small but really charming. And the energy yesterday was magical, and people were excited! I spotted the turquoise 403 for 8$ and I mustered the strenght to bargain, so i got it for 7$. Of course I had support from my love. Next in another booth I spotted the holy grail of Delphite; a Pyrex delphite pitcher: I didn't even know it existed...I just love delphite, the color makes my heart sing and I am always amazed that it is made in Canada! I grabbed it and would not let it go. I had to think about it, 'cause it was 18$. But I had just sold the famous 3 bowls Butterprint set to a dealer so I had money to spare...Here you can see it next to the creamer for size reference. My heart is still fluttering...Today I scored a Butterfly Gold 471 casserole(no lid) for 2$. I had never seen such a small casserole. Pyrex keeps popping up from everywhere! I remember a time writing Madge from Solid Cherry to complain that all the snow birds had taken The Pyrex to Florida...
Friday, July 11, 2008
Cheese in a can with cat!

I remember very well, when I discovered Easy Cheese. I could not believe my eyes! Of course you could only find this in the States! It is part of the MAGIC of going there. I ate so much of this stuff the first years, it is a wonder I didn't turn into a can....
It is been more than 5 years since I had some, but I still find it funny and when I come across it in supermarkets I feel some kind of Nostalgia.
On the trifting front nothing much, I found a small 501 pre-50"s lid for .49 cents at the Salvation Army. I can't wait to do some serious trifting! Over the weekend I have a garage sale and a flea market on my list. I hope it won't rain! I will try to sell my Butterprint bowl set to a dealer. I have been trying to sell en Ebay for a couple of months and nothing!!! It seems to me at least, that summer is not a good time to sell Pyrex on Ebay. People used to trow themselves on Butterprint bowls...What happenned? Overload of pattern? Sick of Pyrex?
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Going to the BEACH!!!
Well ,it is time to write about my delicious beach escape to Hampton Beach NH!
This is a picture of Boar's Head, a nice upscale neighbourhood. It is a really nice place to take a leisurely walk.
So it had been 4 years since our last visit. Not much has changed, but the real estate boom is ever present. Developpers are buying the old places, ripping them up and building (what else? CONDOS!!!). Do we need more condos? Anyways, one of my favortite place to eat (lorenz clam shack) got demolished as the Sea Castle (the first motel I went to in Hampton).
The sea was gorgeous and cold and frothy (qualities I look for when on vacation). We spent our days walking by the sea, taking dips and vegging out. Didn't do any shopping and the only thing I was really looking for was MIA. Yes, you got me right! I was looking for the elusive 'Clams playing Bingo'! 4 years ago we saw a lot of them in a gift shop, laughed our head off, but didn't buy any, so I promised myself to buy some, but when we got there
... No Clams in sight!!! I spotted these in the window of a ladies apparel store, they weren't for sale but I had to take a picture....
It was a short trip (we couldn't leave the cats unattended for too long) but I feel my batteries recharged, all the good sea vibrations, the wounderful energy, it was amazing!
And I missed the cats....Oh last thing! Since we went during the week, there were no yard sales, garage sales or other....Better luck next time!!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
How sweet it is!
Last nite, I went to a concert, but not any old concert...I went to see James Taylor!!! OMG!
It was such a good concert! I loved it! It was my first time at the Molson center (Where the
Canadians play and Montreal's big concert hall). It was spacious and airy and the sound was great and it was my first middle-aged concert. So the vibe was different, nobody sang (except me), nobody danced (I didn't, I'm not really a great dancer ....). Anyways the room was tamer, oh yeah definitely tamer, and some people were rushing out to beat the traffic! Anyways,
even with the 45 min drive back I was home at 11:00! He played old stuff and new stuff and basically all the songs I wanted to hear, so it was a big hit!!! Beforehand we had supper at La Brasserie Brunoise, and it was out of this world!!! It is not often we frequent pricey joints (I believe this one is classified as middle of the road price wise, but still pricey for us). We both had the Steak Frites(steak with homemade fries) and for dessert we shared a Panna Cotta with passion fruit and basil coulis (sounds weird? well it was deliciously weird)!!! I highly recommend it and I will go back again when I want to splurge!
It was such a good concert! I loved it! It was my first time at the Molson center (Where the
Canadians play and Montreal's big concert hall). It was spacious and airy and the sound was great and it was my first middle-aged concert. So the vibe was different, nobody sang (except me), nobody danced (I didn't, I'm not really a great dancer ....). Anyways the room was tamer, oh yeah definitely tamer, and some people were rushing out to beat the traffic! Anyways,
even with the 45 min drive back I was home at 11:00! He played old stuff and new stuff and basically all the songs I wanted to hear, so it was a big hit!!! Beforehand we had supper at La Brasserie Brunoise, and it was out of this world!!! It is not often we frequent pricey joints (I believe this one is classified as middle of the road price wise, but still pricey for us). We both had the Steak Frites(steak with homemade fries) and for dessert we shared a Panna Cotta with passion fruit and basil coulis (sounds weird? well it was deliciously weird)!!! I highly recommend it and I will go back again when I want to splurge!
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