So this is what the result of the decluter fest 2009 looked like! Actually there was more stuff but a couple of scrap metal guys came by....

Add to that the 2 car loads we brought to the Salvation Army. I can definitely say it was a satisfying declutter.
On saturday morning we went in the basement and cleaned out all the old paint,chemicals,garden products that were suspiciously old...There was a lot! I found some products I don't remember buying...Scary!!!
We filled the car again and brought everything to the municipal garage. It was their annual hazardous household waste collection. t was about time we went! 14 years of old toxic crap in the car...OUT OF THE WAY PEOPLE!!!! LET US THROUGH!
I swear the basement has never been soooo big! And the garden shed too! I was able to fit both bicycles! Cool!
On to another subject! Due to the success of the franchise, the producers of So You Think You Can Dance have really been cramming it down our throats. I watched the summer season, I even tried to follow the canadian version, I know the american version just started a new season, but please stop it I can't deal with it anymore! It's a great show but I need a break!
So I stopped watching the canadian version (I can't handle Jean-Marc Genereux anymore) and didn't even start to watch the american one! How come men's hair dye always looks SUPER fake? And please Jean-Marc lay off the botox! It shows!
Last night was the premiere of Dancing With The Stars (I had taken a break from that as well) and I found it entertaining. Only the men danced. I enjoyed the performances of Aaron Carter,Donny Osmond and Marc Dacascos (the host of Iron Chef America). I felt the judges were too strict with them but that's just me.
Some were painfull to watch...especialy UFC champion Chuck Liddell, it was like Frankenstein dancing....Poor guy
However I didn't get to see their second dance because I had a fever and went to bed, maybe it went better for everybody!
Tonight it's the ladies turn and I can't wait to see Macy Grey dancing. I'm not expecting much because the poor thing doesn't move well, she even had trouble getting down the stairs last night!