My oh my! I have been fascinated by the notion of making sausages for a very,very long time...
In my work place I would meet italians who actually made their own sausages and it always was a big production I.E : making them on a full moon, making them in the winter...you get the picture I'm sure...
A couple of years ago I saw this italian guy making sausages on tv and even if it looked like a lot of work, it looked fairly easy as well.
So that was it for me, I started making my own! First with a hand cranked meat grinder (OUCH!) then with the grinder attachement on my Kitchenaid. I make some maybe once a year when I can find a sale on pork butt.
Pork butt is pretty hard to find around here. I guess Quebecers don't cook with it....I myself bought 3... A smaller one to make pulled pork in the crock pot and 2 to cut in pieces and grind up!

Second pic: Here is the whole set up. Kitchenaid with the meat grinder attachement, the cubes of pork in a xmas Gladware (lol) and the ground meat in the big Delphite (Pyrex) bowl.
The time before, it didn't go so well with the Kitchenaid, the attachement kept coming out and I broke a big screw that held everything in place ((*&?%$/!"() !
With the help of a very very friendly sales rep at ARES (kitchen nirvana) on the 40 west near Pointe-Claire, I got a new screw and everything is A-ok! Grinding the meat was soooo easy, it melt like butter. It was AWESOME!
I was in the sausage zone big time, like I did this full time, not freaking out,not breaking a sweat!

So last pic the meat is all ground up (all 9 pounds of it) I added the spices, salt,fennel seeds,white wine and some paprika for color. And back to the fridge it went. I need now to go to the butcher shop and buy some casing....
To be continued.....Have a nice day!
I found a funny blog...
http://onegalstrash.blogspot.com/One Gal's Trash