Well not really new....But never been used! Not vintage either....
My Dad gave it to me one Xmas maybe 4 years ago...And it so did not go with my kitchen then...But now with the kitchen all spruced up...It was the perfect time to take it out of storage!
Isn't it delicious???? You need to have a BIG personality to pull off that toaster...Yesssss siree bob!
It is really cute with the white cupboards and dark grey counter tops and the pale green walls....YUM! I'll have another slice!
So I cleaned the older one (I actually removed a cup of crumbs from the other one...Which is a testament to how I'm no suzie homemaker!) and I'll put it in storage...with the other 2 toasters...I Just realized I have 4 toasters in the house!
I have a chrome vintage one from my mother in law (kinda roundish) it works but I need to find someone who would give it a tune up....I have the one my mother gave me when I took my first appartement ( a chrome one with 2 doors, that you have to uplug after every toast) the crumbmeister ( a TFal one, not vintage at all) and the pink one (that came from Montreal's Museum of Fine Arts).
A note on my first toaster, this is truly a confession....I was very OCD-ish in my childhood and into my 20's (was never treated, I kept my rituals to myself) and after toasting my bread I unplugged the toaster. I got ready for work, left for work and would start FREAKING OUT, that the toaster was still plugged in and would catch fire and would burn everything to the ground!!!
So I would run back home (a block or more) run into the apartement to find that the toaster was in fact unplugged. Leave again, check 10 times if the door was locked and arrive to work late.
Come to think of it I should have put the toaster cord in my hadbag..so I would know for sure that it was unplugged!!!
I had a ritual for the alarm clock, the kleenex under my pillow, the front door, the toaster. They all went away eventually all by themselves (Thank God) as I got older and more confident. I guess I channeled my craziness somewhere else!

On to other subjects! I took a pic of my new flag, which goes perfectly with my seaside love.
I got it near Portsmouth NH. We installed the pole last Sunday (the pole I've had quite a while but I only have a winter flag..)
Everytime I look at it, it makes me smile and think : This is my home, this is where I belong.
I went to the church basement this morning and the pickings were slim! I found one pair of vintage pillowcases and a really cute hanky!
They have new volonteers at the church basement and I'm not too crazy about her, she looks at me suspiciously...and she charges too much! LOL
Until next time....Keep thrifting! :)