Sunday, May 31, 2009
All the old buildings, the thrift shops, flea market, different food. Even the liquor store (LCBO) is cool!
Here in Quebec the liquor store (goverment run) seems to have problems to sell local products, but in Ontario it's a plethora of local stuff!!!
I had found a new thrift store while surfing the web, the Agape centre thrift store. It was one of our first stop. Very clean, lotsa stuff, and will be on our regular list of Cornwall must see. We also tried a new restaurant: The Gemini Cafe. We had a crab bisque (delicious) and a greek chicken sandwich (marinated chicken breast,tzatziki sauce with dill, ripe tomatoes, onions on a grilled pita) Super fresh and amazing! No room for dessert! :(
I found some intersting stuff at a thrift store: A Mirro dial a cookie cookie press, Spice of life S&P, vintage napkings and a cute cinderella butterfly gold bowl at Value Village. All will make an appearance in the Etsy shop as soon as I can post pictures again (translation: as soon as I get a new computer.....)
Speaking of Value Village the Big Brothers and Big Sisters were having a celebration to thank the community for their support and we got free cake (SCORE).
This was one of the best days EVER, we were in a cocoon of fun and synchronicity, nothing could pee on our parade!
On the way back we found a really quirky "garage/conveniance store/auto parts place/flea market" in the middle of nowhere. The owner was real nice, the stuff interesting (where else can you buy a pound of nails, 4 tires, a summer dress, a coffee make,a helmet and a teddy bear??? tell me!)
If we can find the place again we will go for sure! I think it's west of St-Zotique!
All in all a fabulous day!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Pool news
We have noticed at the end of winter that the pool was kind crooked. So at the end of March I called to take an appointment to have a tech come over and check out the pool.
3 weeks ago a tech supervisor called to say they would be there later that week. Time passed, days went like a blur...
No tech!!!
I didn't really follow through because I was freaking out on the garage sale....Ok so it's over.
Monday I called the pool place to ask where is my tech, 'coz the pool is not started yet and I keep having this weird nightmare from America's Funniest Videos...I'm swimming and there goes the side of the pool, water everywhere and me in all my luscious splendor....
They told me a tech would call me back Tuesday (needless to say he didn't) and I called back Wednesday and got a callback the very same afternoon...I was in shock! he told me that if my pool was crooked, I would have to empty it, and he would have to level it and change the lining and another thing (I couldn't hear over the cash register noise in my head! catching!)
So Thursday around 4:30 he came and actually the pool is not that crooked! Yay! It could last like that 6-7 years until I change the lining! That is GOOD news!
I will sleep easier and I can't wait to start that pool! LOL
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Sheets! Glorious bed sheets!
I have different sheets for different seasons. I was trying to remember when I first fell in love with sheets. What go me started???
I have a feeling it's genetic! LOL! As I was saying in an earlier post as I grow older I'm developping this mania of vintage fabrics...It's probably a mutation of my sheet mania!
I remember 20 years ago my Dad giving me Ralph Lauren 100% cotton sheets (white and blue stripped), he had gotten them at a factory outlet in Mass. They were the most beautiful thing I ever saw. All cool and crisp! Over the years I got quite a few of those sets, and some are still in use. Simultanously with Ralph I discovered the Martha Stewart sheets. Okay they were not in cotton but in a poly/cotton blend and so cheerful. I would go into a Kmart (in Lebanon NH) like into a holy shrine, a poly/cotton shrine and would smile alone in an aisle looking at all those sheets.....SIGH!!!
At one point my better half (always the helpful Dan!) informed me that we had enough sheets....really???
I honestly don't know how many sets I have...I have 4 sets for winter....Flannel, soft flannel-like going to sleep in a warm hug! My best ones come from LL Bean and are extra soft, white background with big sunflowers. I have a sage green set (also LL Bean) plain fitted sheet and pillow cases but a striped flat sheet (you can customize), a Target set, pale blue with white and dark blue 60's flowers, and the newest addition....a xmas gift actually! A LL Bean flannel set, white background with evergreen trees in all the colors of their flannel collection (That was a stroke of genius, if you ask me! lol, you can still match your existing bedding).
I have 4 comforters....2 for each case the cats puke on one in the middle of the night (Been there done that...) You just need to pull out a new one, throw the puked on one to the side and go back to bed.
And I keep fantasizing about buying new sheets....I'm looking forward to my OOB (Old Orchard Beach) vacation and thinking of going to Target to look at bedding. In the meantine whenever I see cool pillowcases at the church basement, I grab them! My latest one (pink,white and purple stripes) ended up in my bed this afternoon. Sometimes I used them as background for pictures, or they could end up in my eternal quilt...which i will finish one day..I swear!
I have to go...I think one of the cats just puked on the bedspread! LOL
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Overcast Wednesday
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I found a guy in the local phone book would could pickup my laptop and fix it and bring it back....
He came to pick it up just as promised left me a receipt. I got a partial diagnosis later last night....My C drive was full (surprise!)....he would clean it up and bring it back.
Today I got my laptop back....I have tons of room now. But when I fried it, i fried it good!!! Real good!
I lost sound, the external mouse, and both my USB ports are gone too! Bouhoubouhou!!! Which means (I don't really care about the sound) that I can't print, can't use my external drive, can't download pictures....I probably missed something too! In the process I lost my recipe book. It's on my external drive...but since I can't use it....
My techie also told me that my laptop was living on borrowed time (lol), but I knew that. I bought it second hand and was really surprised that it lasted soooo long!
Well at least I got most of my Pyrex pictures and am already working on a way to get a new laptop.
So that's why I'm posting nice cheerful Pyrex pictures. I find them relaxing and happy. Tech gadgets will break eventually it's a fact!
Being 24 hrs without the internet was quite a change. I didn't even open the TV! I just worked on classifying all the garage sale stuff, making boxes for the salvation army and baking brownies to thank my neighbor Claire to take me to the shopping center. I also invented a nice chinese supper...BBQ chicken breasts in spare ribs sauce (chinese garlic sparerib sauce) and rice noodles,green beans and carrots in black bean sauce....Lip smakcing!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Amazon and a visitor
Sunday, May 24, 2009
What a day!
It was really cold and overcast in the morning. We finished placing our stuff at 7:00 just as a jogger stopped by asking about the bench. He would talk to his wife about it (they came back and bought the bench). We had a lot of fun. I find that I'm more social since I don't work (but really...). We met tons of nice folks, we laughed ,shared stupid stories, garage sale tales...
One of the best things from this day is that Jenn from Matersum stopped by with her hubby and adorable little girl . It was really nice to meet a fellow Etsy seller from my neighborhood!
How come? I think it's a cultural thing. Most of my french speaking friends don't know what Pyrex is, they don't know that it's a collectible (ok they think I;m CRAZY for collecting it...LOL) and my gay friends know what Pyrex is....But I don't really know why! I identify more with the American culture and sometimes the European one, but never the French Canadian one and I usually stick out like a sore thumb (What can you do?)
Anyways the Pyrex didn't sell AT ALL so that table was the first to be packed.
Another surprise is that I only sold 4 books. I had amazing books (really). Cool retro cookbooks and hardcovers, mystery paperbacks all near mint. A quarter each paperback and a buck for a hardcover. You can't get a better deal than that!!!
We didn't get as much traffic because we're near the water and secluded...and because a town nearby had a town wide garage sale (You can't compete with that...)
We had so much fun that we will be having another one and sooner than you think!
Did I mention we had a warning from the police (?). We were not allowed to host a garage sale this weekend...Only on certain dates...That sucked BIG time! And to think that I checked the town's website to make sure everything was kosher!
At 9:00 P.M last night I was out like a log and woke up at 6:59 A.M, quite refreshed but with a really red nose just like Rudolf!
I already started to prepare for the next garage sale by making lists and re-packing everything. Some stuff will go to the church basement....and some to the Salvation Army.
The big STAR of the garale sale? That brown wood table that I put the Pyrex on. 10 people wanted to buy it, but it was not for is my kitchen table!
oh,oh,oh! I forgot to mention that 2 men tried to buy some garden soil I had nearby!
Needless to say that today was spent putting away boxes and re-organizing...I had the energy to work a bit in the veggie garden...I'm keeping the rest for 2morrow!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Inexpensive spruce up!
Actually I was at the shopping center for a new bra (always a fun task!) and I looked at the slipcovers (129$) for a sofa,yikes! I didn't think it was that expensive (not really expensive but,you know) so I saw this display for single sheets on sale...SCORE!!! 2 ivory flat sheet at 7.97 each sewn togheter plus 2 pillowcases at .50 a pair (church basement) and I have a clean and cute (in my opinion) summer sofa!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Here it is!
First pic, is the ashtray with the maple syrup....Amber syrup (I don't buy the clear-too wimpy for me...)
Second a close-up of the delightfully kitsch ashtray!
I tell you this one is staying right here in the living so I can look at it ad nauseam!
last pic: The stamp underneath. Now I haven't done any web search on it yet, so I don't know this company. But thank you for making that beautiful ashtray! And for 2 dollars! WOW!!!
Last night was movie night and in my pursuit of blockbusters we saw Star Trek! Now that was a fun ride!!!
I was a big fan of the original TV series and the movie brought all kinds of memories. The casting is spot on! Of course Chris Pine is a great Kirk and Zachary Quinto a super Spock but Carl Urban as Bones...WOW I thought it was Bones but younger!
Good times!
Upset for the night: Gilles didn't win DWTS! Ok I'm booing now! BIG TIME! Ok course I am not objective lol! I feel he should've won, but the American public decided diffently! Keep on dancing Gilles, you dance beautifully! And I didn't watch the first part of the AI finale!
I'll hunt for some clips in the net....I gotta prepare for my Wednesday hunt at the church basement. Later!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Lilly of the valley
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Finnegan's Flea Market
In the second picture my friend Therese (chance meeting) just put a deposit on the gorgeous english hoosier in front of her. She just happened to stop by on her way to Ottawa.
I saw some Pyrex,but nothing I was looking for. A small turquoise 401 was marked 20$ (that is a lot of clams!!!)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Who will win???
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009
Grey weekend
A peanut shaped planter I always wanted one! Ok I'm being sarcastic...This picture was taken at Montreal's Salvation Army. I kid you not there was at least 200 of these planters!
1) Who donates 200 new peanut shaped planters?
2) Who buys peanut shaped planters?
Isn't that a good discussion topic? LOL!
The weather has been crazy here. Cold and rainy and damp. I know it's early in the season, but it feels more like October than May. So far I have visited 2 nurseries and I keep seeing crazed people buying annuals. Ok TOO early for planting annuals people! You'll just be wasting your monies...I guess it's live and learn right? One year I planted my tomatoes way early and they all died and I had to spend money (hard earned) to buy new ones (not a happy camper!!!). I don't usually buy tomato plants, I start them from seed (way cheaper). I have a dozen waiting for the great outdoors! So yesterday was real cold and wet ( a fleece and popcorn and movies kinda of day). I was supposed to go to the flea market but didn't really feel like it. So another Sunday...We watched The Wrestler with Mickey Rourke, it was really a good (sad) movie.
Today it's cold but the sun is shining (at least for the time being) and I have to finish removing the dead leaves from the pool (always fun!). I don't know if I'll be doing a lot of things after,'coz that just drains my energy, but at least it will be done!!!
I also have to figure out what to have for supper. I must send a search party to explore the freezer in the basement! Have a good one!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Super Day!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
What a MESS!!!
As you can see the !@#$$%^ thing exploded in my washing machine!! I was not laughing at the time, more like cussing!
I left everything there, and went on one of my weekly excursions at the church basement. Where I found this darling cream and sugar set, it is very cute! I jumped on it like there was no tomorrow! It will make a great addition to my Etsy boutique!
I have to skedaddle! Have a nice day! :)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Homemade deliciousness....
I had been toying with the idea of sorbet lately, partly because of the upcoming garage sale there was talk of selling the ice cream machine...
Dan gave it to me like 10 years ago and I only used it 2 or 3 times. I wasn't too crazy about their recipes (They had raw eggs....eurk!). I don't dig eating a bowl of salmonella!
So I was watching Chef at Home last week and Chef Michael Smith was strawberry sorbet and it looked delicious....And I happened to have in my freezer an unopened bag of 4 field berry mix! And a bag of aging granny smith apples....So I made apple sauce, cooled it. Defrosted the berry mix, zapped it with my immersion blender with 1/2 teaspoon salt, the juice of one lemon and 1 1/2 cups od sugar and the cooled apple sauce. I then proceeded to dump the whole kit'n'kaboodle in the ice cream machine for 45 min.....after I stored the sorbet in a barely used Tupperware ice cream container. 2 things people! Use the things you have and no way the ice cream maker in going to the garage sale! LOL
I also made a simple Quatre-Quarts (french version of pound cake) and added 1/2 cup buttermilk in the batter (another thing I have in my fridge that I have to use....)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Latest finds....
Monday, May 4, 2009
Who knew?
So I looked in the reference books and nothing (the books are great but totally incomplete). Thank god for the Pyrex Love web site! I found a picture of the same set. I was so glad I had that mystery solved!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Friday fill-ins (my first one)
To tell you the truth it was harder than I thought! LOL
Have a nice one...