Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Totally Awesome Holiday Giveaway!

Now what do I want for Xmas?  A good job with good pay where they appreciate me and my work, to win a good chunk of money to repair the patio and dig around the foundation to waterproof it, more LLBean  flannel sheets, some Gap Heaven scent and  more than 100 followers!

And here's where you can help make my dreams come true good people of bloggyland (how's that for an intro?). So to all the people of bloggyland a holiday giveaway is upon you!

Here's what you can take home with you:

Here are some helpful things to help you get through the holidays! An amazing Heloise Kitchen Hints book published in 1963. You will learn how to make a wash and wear apron, a new way to make turkey stuffing and so much more! A small green restaurant ware tea pot, perfect for that afternoon pick me up, an Edlund  vintage turquoise can opener and last but not least a 443 Butterprint Pyrex Cinderella bowl.
P.SSSSSSS: I will add other seasonnal goodies to this giveaway!

Now here's what you have to do!

1) Become a follower                                       
2) Leave a comment ON THIS POST ONLY  
3) If you have a blog write about my giveaway   

Now just becoming or being a follower is NOT enough, you must at least also comment to be elligible.

I will ship all over the world, so everyone can join! How cool is that?

Contest closes on Friday December 3rd at midnight 

I will post the items I'm adding to the giveaway as I pick them. Even the people who already won can join the fun :)

Have a great evening!


Barbara said...

I'm a follower and fellow Pyrex-o-maniac! That bowl is my very favorite pattern and color. I'm an old-fashioned grandma who loves to cook more than anything.

sarah nicole said...

This is such a good idea! I might copy, if you don't mind, but the more Pyrex giveaways, the better, right? : )


AmyC ~ said...

Neat idea!
I LOVE Pyrex and also part of the collective.
I love the turquoise and blue. So pretty.
I love vintage!

Anonymous said...

Hello! I came here from the Pyrex Collective & I follow your blog on GFC.

retrokitty [at] gmail [dot] com

Jill said...

What a great retro Christmas treat for one lucky Pyrex fan - hope it's me - love to read your blog!

Maureen said...

Congrats! You hit 101!

Jenifir said...

I thought that I was already a follower but I checked and was not but I am now! If that lucky winner was me that would be fabulous but best of luck to all who enter. I have been ignoring my blog for awhile so ...

AmyC ~ said...

blogged about it!

cariboocarol said...

Love, the idea---I'm in!!! (p.s.also got to you through Pyrex Collective)

Amanda said...

I NEED that bowl!! Love, love, love it!

Sunshine Alternative Mama said...

Awesome! I was finally inspired to actually figure out how to follow a blog, lol. I promise you that the Pyrex bowl wants to come live in sunny So Cal!

Sale-ing in Denver said...

Also found you on Pyrex Collective and am now a follower! Will include your giveaway in my blog post tomorrow. Other than Friendship, Butterprint is my favorite pattern!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Congrats!! You have done it girl, gone over 100 followers! So happy for you. I have been a follower for a long time and I'm so happy you have reached this milestone! Wonderful giveaway!

Flo said...

What an awesome giveaway! I came over from the Pyrex Collective and am drooling over that butterprint! =)

eclectimom said...

I love how old is the "new" new for the holiday season! Get back to the simple pleasures in this world and appreciate what we have! I am trying to give vintage this year in what I find and what I make...I am glad others are too!

kimybeee said...

i made 108 - followed you from the collective! i need to join the collective, i have become serious about collecting lately, but i don't have to go thrifting - my mom buys it and brings it back to me!

Paulette said...

I thought I was already a follower, but I guess not--so I just fixed that! What a generous giveaway! That's the bowl my sister bought for me (actually it was the set of bowls), then decided to keep for herself.

Judy said...

Love you blog - I am in Canada too. Would be a treat to win something. Cheers :))

Judy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michelle said...

I subscribe to your blog in Google Reader and love, love, love Pyrex!

Betty said...

Ooooh, all those things look like fun. Thanks for such an awesome giveaway. I posted about it on my blog.

Alyssa said...

Came over from My Mink Betty, and I'll be honest. I'm not on board with the cheese in a can. But I'm all over the Pyrex, bacon, and cats. ;) So I'm following you! (Besides I really want a chance at that Butterprint bowl and the other lovelies. Sshh!)

Love your blog (cute Santa!)

SixBalloons said...

Hello Miss V! Congrats on all the new followers! Thanks for having such a great giveaway!

The fledgling crafter said...

I see you've already reached your goal, congrats!

And of course I would love to win the pyrex, so I've become a follower :)

anniescupboards said...

AMAZING giveaway! Oh my GOSH.


Your so sweet!!

Unknown said...

Well, I would follow you anywhere contest or no sweetie!

I was thinking of you today - wondering how you were feeling cause you havent been blogging as much and also thinking I might put something in the oven IN pyrex!

I wish all those things for you - job money all that stuff :)

Unknown said...

Hey, I saw that bowl at Value World and didn't have any cash with me, went back the next day and it was gone. That is the pattern my mom had. I enjoy your blog.

Unknown said...

Following you via Google Friend Connect. I love vintage kitchenware, especially tea service pieces.

SixBalloons said...

I'm also sending happy thoughts to you for your job search... I'm sure something will come up soon! I've mentioned your giveaway at http://sixballoons.blogspot.com/2010/11/pyrex-horizon-blue.html

Karmajnke said...

I am a follower and also a fellow Pyrex worshiper. I also wanted to mention I love your Etsy site.

mub said...

Heh that book looks like a lot of fun to read! Fingers crossed!!

h. mcnaron said...

I also love old tupperware too.
gfc follower

CEB said...

We're following. Those are some pretty pieces.

Sunnyvale said...

Nice prize package, I would like to add to my Pyrex bowls

susanstewart said...

I'm a follower. I LOVE the Pyrex bowl. Thanks for the giveaway.

celtchick said...

Wonderful Giveaway! Who couldn't use more Pyrex?

I am a GFC public follower


nick said...


Betty Rood ~nannato5 said...

great giveaway and merry christmas!
follower @ alwaysatryin2 at gmail.com

Linda said...

I follow you on GFC(Linda G)

Linda said...

I would love to win this bowl, I have this set!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower, and I love Pyrex and other vintage kitchen items. This is the first give away I've ever entered.... hope I win!! ;)

Gail said...

Oh, my goodness, what a wonderful give away, please enter my name and I have become a follower. Pick me please....grin.
Thank you for such a beautiful gift to someone lucky.
Gail galynn92347 at yahoo dot com
PS. I found you through, Anonymous was a woman, who I found through A LA Carte, while Pink Saturday blog hopping.

Nance Meyer said...

Wow I love vintage kitchen goodies! Thanks for offering these to win!
nancymeyer1 at gmail dot com

Jim said...

You are so generous! And congrats on the ever-increasing number of Followers!!

thatlittlehouse said...

I'm a follower on gfc and I love vintage Pyrex. Butterprint is one of my top favorite patterns! And I love the teapot! Thanks for the giveaway.

Kim Campbell said...

New follower!! What a wonderful give-away. Good luck to all!!

julis55 said...

I love the bowl. I am a GFC follower

cowboyswife said...

I am a follower

~*~Aria~*~ said...

I am now a follower(quite a lovely blog! I look forward to reading your posts :3 )

And honestly, I don't have any Pyrex bowls, which I'm under the impression is a horrible, horrible fate.

I've used my Mum's though and thing they are fabulous. The pattern of this one is very beautiful and classic feeling.

Unknown said...

I am a new follower! Thanks for the chance to win my FIRST Pyrex ever, and a whole lot of other goodies! Yippy!

-Dollie D

Unknown said...


I posted a blog about the giveaway! More chances to win-Yay! I hope that will send some of my 164 followers your way!

Dollie D

Abi said...

I follow you and LOVE the pyrex!
havenera at gmail dot com

Sheila said...

Lovely giveaway! Of course I love the bowl, but I must say that I'm also intrigued by the can opener!

I check in here from time to time, but I just made my stalking...er "following"...official!

Heather said...

I love this Pyrex pattern! Your blog is great. :)

I'm a follower!

pippirose said...

My mom had a set of 3 bowls with that pattern. I loved those bowls!
I'm a new follower.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com

ina said...

What a great giveaway! I found you through Miss Dollie DeVille's blog and I'm now also a follower :)

Danger said...

I just love vintage kitchenware! Thanks for the giveaway! I'm a new follower. misspolkadottie@gmail.com

Jean said...

I follow with gfc. Love the Pyrex!

Pamela S said...

Great looking Pyrex and it's nice of you to share it with your readers. Follower GFC

Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)aol(DOT)com

natashak said...
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natashak said...

I would love to win the giveaway!


MomWaldsPlace said...

You are simply the most generous soul! A cozy looking GREEN teapot to help keep winter warm. Love your wish list.

Don't enter me in your nifty giveaway. I just stopped to say hello, "Hello!"

Holly said...

What a cute giveaway! I am a follower!

Carolyn said...

I'm a GFC follower! Thanks for the giveaway. :)

Sandy said...

I'm following via GFC (SandyM) and I'd love to win this prize.


happileah said...

I'm a follower AND didn't enter before because I thought I already owned this beautiful bowl, but I actually have it's twin (the blue one) So, clearly I NEED to win this :)

Jenn S. said...

Nice! Thanks for a great holiday giveaway. I love Pyrex.
Following via GFC: JennS

jas8929 at gmail dot com

LoraLeigh said...

Just found your blog today. I am impatiently waiting for a package to come with a complete set of Pyrex Cinderella bowls in the Butterfly Gold Alternate pattern that I got off eBay. I really love the pattern and hope to find more and hopefully reading your blog will enable my search to become fruitful!!

Unknown said...

I am following via Google Friend Connect

Tonya Dean said...

That bowl is gorgeous! I love that pattern and the blue is just perfect.
GFC follower - Tonya Dean


Terry said...

Oh what an awesome give away !
Follow you of course I will with or without the give away after all pyrex lovers are kindred spirits .
Have an awesome week .
Until next time
Happy Trails

Miss Emmi said...

Ooooh, I'd love to be entered in this! I just got my first piece of vintage pyrex the other day, this could fast-track me to a collection!

Unknown said...

That teapot is great! The color is perfect for my kitchen.
I'm also a follower.

Adorebynat said...

I'm a follower now. You found me through kootoyo and here I am now, being your stalker. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Awesome blog and thanks for the giveaway!
Would love, love, LOVE to win this!
Happy holidays!

saturdaynightfever said...

I am a follower!


Kellee said...

Oh wow! Everything is so cute. I will definately be a follower!

Unknown said...

adorable! i love vintage stuff! :)

google follower: ferriza2 (danielle b)


esldiane@gmail.com said...

I follow you via google. I feel old, my mom had that pyrex when I was growing up-cool memories. She use to make red jello in it.
Diane Baum

Kathy P said...

google friend klp1965

Thank you for the great giveaway please count me in :)

guettel78 said...

I'm a new follower: guettel78

Thanks for the chance to enter - the prizes you've collected are definitely beautiful (and they look great together), and I love the thought and the stories behind them. My best friend just bought her first house and has been raiding the local antique stores and thrift stores for vintage Pyrex, so I'm really entering in the hope that I can give her an extra special gift this year. Thanks again!


beckytag said...

Wow, such an awesome, unique prize package. Thanks! (oh, and I'm a follower - Becky S.)
beckytag618 at gmail dot com

EmmaPeel said...

I'm a follower

Yvonne from North Carolina said...

I just love your collection. I'm always on the lookout for the teal bowls. However, I've never found any priced as low as you have found. Fantastic!

carolpie said...

Well, you have your 100 followers and I am one-carol lewis.
Hope you get what you want for Christmas!

spencer1953 at gmail dot com-carol.

Sand said...

I'm a GFC follower: Atreau. I've been reading Heloise Hints since childhood.

Anonymous said...

GFC follower. Would love to win this, I had a similar bowl or my mother did rather, when I was little. I miss it. :)

tripsma at gmail dot com