Picture a big barn, red. Fill it to the rafters with vintage and antique objects. Leave it sit. Fill with more stuff. Let sit some more. Add dust and possibly critters....and a middle aged sour puss sitting outside, and you have the Red Barn in Hudson Qc.
No kidding there's a ton and a half of really interesting stuff there and some of it is even organized. But a lot sits in boxes all over, the floor is uneven (really) and you can't see for dear life.
A collection of rolling pins
The first thing I saw walking in.
About the sour puss...I hate going in any kind of store and the employees (owner) don't seem happy to see me. HELLO I'm your meal ticket! Please smile!
So this guy is sitting outside with a fart face on. If you don't like people get out of retail! Or maybe he's looking like that because the prices are steep....No wonder there was not a lot of people in. Some might be put off by the floor; you definitely need closed shoes and a flashlight to navigate the place, some by the lack of lighting or the scary floors on the second and third floors (you see light in between the planks;it's very creaky yet soft in certain spots...)
But if you like thrifting adventures this place is for you!
Glassware,McCoy, milkglass, Laurentian Pottery, banks, buttons,typewriters, suitcases, coolers, games,Le reuset, phones,toasters, Flameware, Pyrex, FireKing,Glasbake, barware, ashtrays, records, books, tins, lamps, doors, windows, dressers, chairs, chairs and more chairs! If you collect it, they probably have it!
oooh! Bowls...Pyrex,FireKing,Glasbake,Federal and Hazel Atlas....
More bowls! Tracy do you see the Gooseberry?
Check out those FRIDGIES!
And that's just some of it!
This was part of our Father's Day excursion. Dan rented a bigger and more comfortable car and we drove to Montreal picked up my Dad, had lunch at Smoked Meat Pete (Ile Perrot) and then went to the Red Barn.
It's just after the Alana Kirby store on Harwood Bd at the Hudson entrance.
My Dad loved every minute of it! And the smoked meat sandwhich too :)
So remember the flashlights, mind your step and yes you can bargain! I did and brought back a little something back! But that's for another post
Have a great week!